
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Could the revealing of BP abuses by Varied Perspectives Help Change the Enforcement First Policy?

I wonder if the libertarian groups challenging unconstitutional checkpoints within the US borders because they are infringing upon their right to move about freely will at some point realize they are fighting the same battle that what they call illegal immigrants are fighting.  They are very frustrated and pissed off and rightfully so at unchecked border patrol abuse.  I hope that that frustration will sway them into seeing a similarity in the common humanity they have with immigrants who are facing this repressiveness every day and that that common link will lead them to realize that, in the case of the immigrant, the US gov't is not only restricting their movement  but is part of a system that is forcing them to move in order to survive and then, in many cases, killing them for moving across the biggest checkpoint on earth.  I hope it helps them transition from backing citizen rights to backing human rights when they see that they are being abused in the same way  that other fellow human beings are being abused by the same people.   The videos are popular on youtube of people refusing to state their identity at checkpoints within the US and they really do show very well how BP can do/say whatever they want, and really have no legal or moral base to stand on in their enforcement measures.  Maybe when they see cases like Anastasio Hernandez Rojas who was tazed and beaten to death while unarmed, they'll realize that the abuses they receive could some day reach that level if nothing is done and they'll feel the urgency even more to stop the abuse. The similarities of the abuses by Border Patrol in both cases is astounding, it really does seem like the same problem to me even if the basis for disagreeing with it is slightly different .  It'd be great if the libertarians were to see the connection, that would help liberals like Pedro Rios and Christian Ramirez who are fighting every day to change the enforcement first US policy to humanity first.  I think I'm going to send a video of BP abuse of a migrant to one of the libertarians posting stuff about BP abuse at unlawful checkpoints within the US and see what they say.  To be continued...

Friday, May 10, 2013

How finding and following your path could solve the world's problems

Hay muchas crisis en el mundo ahora y muchos que quieren resolver todo, encontrar la solución de todos los problemas.  Esto es imposible porque no todos pensamos iguales y nunca podemos estar todos de acuerdo en cuál es el problema más grave, en qué debemos de enfocarnos como prioridad.  Entonces lo único que podemos hacer es girar hacia adentro y encontrar nuestro propio camino lo que nos dice nuestro instinto que es el camino indicado para mi.  Siguiendo ese camino y no esperando que otros lo sigan también, porque la verdad es que es imposible que otra persona siga un camino que no sea suyo, podemos realizar el camino destinado para cada uno de nosotros, vivir una vida plena y sentir satisfechos que hemos cumplido con nuestra contribución al mejoro del mundo.
