
Saturday, November 24, 2012

President Obama's Resignation Speech.

My fellow Americans, the time has come for me to face the responsibility, not as your president, but as a conscientious human being, to reveal my truth, my agenda, and what our supposed nation state has become.

I started out innocently wanting to do what's right and saw no formidable obstacles to this path and I still don't, which is why I'm speaking to you today.  I have come to the realization that I have made a grave error in judgment choosing my current path, a path that is causing atrocities that are accelerating every day and that will never lead to or even progress toward the the goal of doing what's right.   This conclusion, although somewhat sudden, is preceded by a long road of understanding through experience and experimentation.  

Behind all my decisions, as president of the United States and throughout my political career, came a desire to do what's best for the nation and for humanity. I learned early on in my career, the art of compromise and how, when willing to give a little, you can often see things from another's perspective. This contributes to good relations which in turn results in more possibility of furthering an agenda of peace together with our supposed adversaries. Sacrificing principals at times in order to further my political career was justified because these were short term sacrifices in order to eventually accomplish a righteous agenda. Upon reaching the point on the ladder of political success to be a candidate for president of the United States of America, despite not quite feeling prepared to take on this position yet, my ambitions, and the thought of how much I would be able to accomplish toward my goals of peace, harmony, and the strengthening of our moral character and actions overcame me. This would finally be the opportunity to feed the poor, abolish war and discrimination, cure the earth, and leave no other option but to love thy neighbor and, to be perfectly frank, be someone important in an objective sense. I used my ability to express myself clearly and eloquently and every other talent I could muster to become president. I accelerated my so far successful approach and put as a priority saying anything that I thought would get me this final position, the highest in the land. I took political strategy over personal principals for what I thought would be the short run. And it worked again. I became the nominee and upon becoming president, I knew that I would have to continue this compromising strategy for a while. Maybe even my entire first term. I lied to the American people, I lied to the world, went along with and even initiated actions that took human life and continued the destruction of our perfect union and our beautiful planet on a much higher level than I ever imagined and than I had ever done before as a senator. I've justified these acts as a means to an end so much that I almost can't remember what the end is.

I think everyone knows I'm not a quitter. Despite the horrendous sacrifices I was making, I would continue to a second term if it weren't for the discovery of the fact that the president of the United States is not able to represent his people and I now realize that these necessary sacrifices are all for not and only serve to strenghten an unjust system. Not only, as president, do you have to compromise on certain principals in order to include or even cater to business interests, but you are an employee of the transnational corporations. You no longer have the choice to stand up to the big bad guy defending what’s right and fighting for the people who think you were elected to represent them. There is no way to be president anymore unless you consent to represent the corporations within the defense industry, the oil industry, the world banks, the agricultural industry, and the insurance companies. I would like to take this opportunity, since I no longer ambition to be the president of the United States, to reveal some of what I have discovered through these relations in hopes that it will have some positive effect toward a fundamental shift in priorities although these words alone will do nothing as they are a simple divulging of the truth with no proposal for action. 

Transnational corporations know that borders between countries do not exist and can be manipulated to their benefit. They're success does not depend on how the system works in the US or any other country you think they may be based in. They create the system that works for their profit and they have complete control to do as they please as long as they manage to keep people blind to their actions, blindly consuming their product, blindly disregarding any damage the profit drive is causing, blindly becoming cogs in their wheel that continues to generate the illusion that money is somehow what we all need to survive.

Their profit machine has put thoughts in our minds, robbed us of our true heart feelings, and left us searching for our soul. Right now there is an oil line that runs through several countries in the Middle East. All along it and several hundred feet on either side is oil territory. No country that this line runs through claims this oil line as part of their land.  It is BP, Exxon, and Chevron land.
Has anyone noticed that I never say anything about the corporate military? I have a well thought out rhetoric to defend my position on why we need to continue the wars in the middle east. I have it down so well I almost believe it. That we are there to stop terrorism from coming here. The real reason is to maintain the private defense industry. This industry creates and perpetuates war in order to keep their industry alive and prospering. Generals in the military have told me that they do not have to follow my orders as they have “another boss.”
I have had conversations that are careful, civilized, and respectful with Insurance company CEOs and their representatives up to a certain point. They see the advantage of having me on their side and are willing to give slightly if it pleases my wishes and what I see to be of benefit to the American people, but only so slightly and it is always a strategical move on their part. They have calculated whether something is a benefit or not to their profit margin and, if it is not, there is no arguing nor discussion and they are no longer courteous.  They threaten to take advantage of the capitalist aspects of our system and find ways to promote drugs that kill people (even more than they already are) and if that doesn't work to stop me from pushing an agenda that hurts their business, they will threaten to kill members of my family, my children.

The pepper spray being used on university students that are occupying their campuses comes from chile-peppers grown in Mexico and sold to private enforcement companies in the US who in turn sell them to local law enforcement. There are Japanese car companies, not Japanese products sold and made in the US, but Japanese companies, in Detroit.
It is not possible for me to be president of this nation because this nation is only a notion that has been created and sold to the people of the world in order to perpetuate profit. 

These transnational corporations are not capable of being evil nor good because they have no conscience and they are not people. I have made a grave error in judgement. I fell for this notion of a nation that lead me to believe that I could get to a point where I could finally contribute in an overall positive way. I apologize for becoming part of this machine and sacrificing people's lives and the balance of nature all over the world. I have become a lifeless puppet and I refuse to continue to be a cog in this wheel of destruction. I hear by resign the office of president of the United States in order to return hope that I can live a life that I am proud of, that will serve as an example to my children. I no longer want you to join me as your leader but rather I would like to join you in breathing life into this world-wide system that doesn't depend on profit but clean air, clean water, the nutrients in the earth's soil, and sincere cooperation in the name of human-kind.  Thank you.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Captando capear.

Quisiera cambiar de capítulo. Qué caprichoso querer quedarse con conceptos caducos que carecen calidad coloquial. Como caso de “capear.” Con que' coco colocarías “capear” como “quitar capa cubridora”? Cánones cadentes que captan cajas de cadaveres. Quiero contextos que corrompan no que corroen. Claro, "cubrir comida con clara", "colgar capa que confunde cornúpeta", califican. Que codo concluir que no cabe el contexto coqueto. Coqueto, u.... casi quiero cantar cuando capea cobra calidad cultural de cruce. Cuya cosa cuaja. Aaai, qué concha querer calar cutis cuando no capeas. Capeas conmigo?

Monday, October 1, 2012

When you believe in something, the risks matter little.

Friday, September 28, 2012

The realization that god, or spirit, or energy or whatever you want to call it is not an all powerful external being or entity that I talk to/pray to or negotiate with but something within me that I must turn inward to ask for, commit, and figure out ways to make life happen is empowering.  Knowing this power within me is the same energy that is within every living being and all our actions based on it influence us as we all move together is humbling, relieving, and brings a sense of love, belonging, and empowerment at a much higher level.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sometimes I feel like I can get used to almost anything except sacrificing my principals.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


I feel like SD´s too straight and square. All the buildings have sharp curves and the streets run parallel and perpendicular, and every locale, building, house, trailer, business, and government office has an exact number assigned to it on a street with a sign that matches every other street sign in color, shape, and height and it's all conveniently located by satellite on google maps.  I'm always lost here.  How can something be clearly marked if it all looks the same?  The tables are all in rows, the cubicles are all lined up, can I get a curve please? I always know where things are going, there´s a line to direct me, I´m free to go wherever I want as long as I follow the straight lines, as long as I stay on that paved road. I can only go off it if I have an off-road vehicle and I can´t get back on it until I have my highway legal vehicle. And in order to get off road, I must pay a fee and stay within the off road area. Everything is predictable. BORing.   I feel like it´s crushing my soul, like the fire inside me is nearly extinguished from being stuck inside a box. The big box stores, the big box fast food chains. There's hardly a neighborhood without a McDonalds and a Walmart and a Home Depot where everything you need is fabricated to keep up your perfectly boxed up life inside your box shaped home while you peer out eagerly at the perfectly lined streets on your boxed shaped block with rectangle signs all white with black block lettering on every corner through your square window waiting for the box shaped truck to drive up and deliver... a box. How can I find my way and grow and evolve if everywhere I go, it's all the same?  I need to break away.

I wanna go to a place where theater shows are often free and rarely cost more than $10, I want to find a hill that I can't make it up on my bicycle and I’m on the brink of losing control as a fly down the other side.  I wanna go somewhere where the dividing lines are blurred so I don't have to «PICK A LANE».  I want to go to a place where the only way you can get there is to ask directions.  Where instead of standard green freeway signs with white lettering, you know where to turn because there's a 4 story white house with plant leaves dripping off every balcony. 
I want to end up on roads that sometimes abruptly end and force me to take a detour without any signs, where there are street performers that don't have a permit, I wanna take a bus that has frequent and unpredictable stops, and if I get off, I can get on another a couple minutes later. I don´t want to go straight, I want to go up and down and around and around. I wanna walk across an intersection diagonally and bump into others in the middle.  I wanna go somewhere, just cause I feel like it and run into something else on the way that I like better. I wanna go to a place that's in transition, be focused on something from within instead of being streamlined by practical forces without... without love, without spontaneity, without a creative curve ball that throws me into the middle of an area where my curiosity is challenged and I can fulfill my love and passion and gain the strength and speed to blaze into the wide-open strike zone of life. A place where there is so much youth that they are bursting out of their sewn britches and jumping into a universe of possibilities for a better world. In short, I wanna go to Tijuana.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

I got a question for you...?

Cathy, Alexis, and I were walking out of the Bi-national friendship garden after weeding it out.  The agent on the North side of the secondary barrier was sitting in his vehicle.  "Can you open the door for us?"
He snarked a little.  "Go down to the beach and walk around."
The other agent had told us to ask the agent on duty to open the door when we finished.  "You don't have a key?"  I asked politely.
It was only a short walk down the hill.  Not worth arguing about.  "Like it would've hurt'em to get out of his vehicle." remarked Cathy.  "Why didn't he opent he gate?"
"I don't know.  I think he was just being a dick."  That was my guess from the look on his face when he answered.
When we got to the bottom of the hill he was there waiting in his vehicle.  "Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure, I told him and walked over to his truck."
Alexis and Cathy kept walking up the hill.
"I could give you guys a ride up the hill in the back of the unit."  He said chuckling. 
"Sure."  I said only half realizing it was another sarcastic remark.
"What's the purpose behind the garden?  What are you trying to do?"  He asked in a non-threatening way.
"The garden has a dual purpose: to make friends across the border and promote native habitat."
"What's your name?"
"Dan Watman, yours?"
"Agent Pacheco...Yeah, but what are you really trying to do?"
"I guess you haven't been briefed.  I have this project where we do events at the border fence under common interest themes with the idea of making friends through the fence."
"What's the purpose of it?"
"To make friends through the fence."
"Where are you from?"
"I grew up in Modesto, California."
"You grew up in Modesto?  Me too."
"O, wow yeah we're about the same age, maybe..."
"What high school did you go to?"
"I went to Modesto High, graduated in 1984."
"I graduated in '89."
"I joined the marine corps and then joined Border Patrol,16 years"
"Oh, well, different paths to end up in the same place.  Have you been in this area the whole time?"
"I'm surprised we haven't run into each other."
"Me too.  Yeah, there's good stuf that goes on around here we just had to put up the wall cause people passing illegal documents through the fence, switching out kids, and passing drugs through the fence. It was getting out of hand.  Too much illegal activity."
"Yeah. I've commited myself to this friendship concept and kind of look at it as necessary independant of any illegal activity."
"I understand that."
"My friend's waiting for me.  I gotta go.  Nice to meet you."
"Yeah, nice to meet you too" this time with a genuine as opposed to sarcastic smile and a stretched arm to shake hands through his window.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Brownman around the edges of my earth
brownman around the edges of  the heart
every beat a fight to stay alive
brown earth nurtures the California Sunflower
why don't we let you rest so you can pulsate life 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tribute to my friend Jim Moreno

A kind man
a poet with a purpose
he can't help but give like a dream 
his poems will not disappear
A humble indian singing in the clouds
