
Wednesday, October 18, 2023


 Creativity fades not because we do but because the moment does


fades not because we do

because the moment does 

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Coordinación imperfecta

 "Soy Daniel", le dije por la ventana al chofer del Uber gris parado, la Casa del túnel centro de arte edificio de tres pisos a mi espalda tapando el muro fronterizo en la calle residencial de la Colonia federal.  Me miró y movíó la cabeza.  Al subirme atrás le dije, "Buenas tardes, qué tal, cómo va todo?"

"Buenas tardes", me dijo con el entusiasmo mínimo que requería una cortesía básica del servicio.

Dimos la vuelta hacía la plaza chaparral de la garita peatonal cerrada al público y al pasarla como que cedió a mi oferta de conversación, "Como que ya deben de abrir aquí, no?"

En eso me llegó un mensaje importante del trabajo y apenas le prestaba atención al amigo, "O sí sí, no sé por qué no la abren."

El siguió diciendo que ya las filas peatonales son largas en la otra garita y deben de abrir y yo prestandole atención cada vez menos leyendo mis mensajes.  "Perdón, me llegó un mensaje importante acá."  Ya no me dijo nada y seguí con mis mensajes unos 10 minutos más.  Cruzamos el puente sobre el rio de Tijuana y le seguimos por el blvd internacional con la vista de los  muros a la derecha donde, entre los barrotoes, se alcanzaba.a ver la expansión del estuario hasta el mar.  

Al ver la privada pegada al muro llena de mansiones lujosas en la entrada a Playas donde me han dicho que tiene una de sus casas Vicente Fernandez, guardé el cel y me di cuenta que nunca había entrado ahí y ni sabía por dónde.

"Tú sabes cómo se entra a esta privada?"

En eso nos detuvimos por el tráfico a un lado de una entrada que yo pensé que era para el hotel al lado.

"Aquí" me dijo.

"O, como está un poco más adelante, no pensé que era la entrada a esa zona.  Todo los años que tengo viviendo en Playas y nunca sabía cómo se entra ahí"

"Sí, como Uber me han pedido servicio varias veces.  Es una privada, muy caro todo."

"Pero bonito, no?"

"O sí"

En eso empezamos a dar la curva en el Oxxo del toreo que marca la vuelta a mi calle.  Terminando la vuelta para entrar a la calzada, vemos a una mujer con una sudadera blanca y un hombre juntos parados en la orilla queriendo cruzar.  Ellos dentenidos esperando que pasáramos y el chofer también detenido esperando.  La muchacha empieza a cruzar mientras el muchacho se detiene y, a la vez, se dan cuenta de sus intenciones contrarias y él avanza y ella regresa y luego otra vez ella entra a la calle y él retrocede, el brazo de la sudadera blanca aleteando en el viento como la solapa de un vestido de baile foclórico y el chofer... "A ver, van a cruzar o no?" 

Y como si lo escucharan, por fin dejaron de dar sus vueltas de la dancita torpita y se detuvieron los dos a esperar.  

"Sí, verdad?" dije respondiendo  al comentario riéndome un poco mientras veía a la pareja por la venatan de atrás hablando tal vez discutiendo.  

"Como que ella quería cruzar y el no y luego él sí y ella no."

Me reí más y luego los dos juntos un poco hasta llegar a la puerta de mi casa al lado de donde se revela de nuevo el muro fronterizo.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Haiku Dream for the borderlands

The walls become leaves

The smokestacks towering trees

And the people free

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Unnatural nuturing

If you’re vying for my heart you have it
I have no personal boundaries, no sense of self, I can only gush
No dam for my liquid self to break as it pours into your being
It doesn’t matter that I’m scared
It doesn’t matter that without you I know who I am
I skip over my approval to my perception of yours
Damn you for your candy
Damn you for stealing my intuition
Damn you for stealing my ego 
Damn you for curbing my growth 

For giving birth to a helpless baby

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Breaking News! President Trump Abolishes ICE and reverses course on Border Wall

After seeing a video on Fox news of a man being torn away from his family in San Diego and his children and wife crying, President Trump expressed remorse about how ICE has been hurting families even since before his presidency.  The newcomer politician seems to have realized and learned, perhaps quicker than his last two predecessors, just how damaging separating families can be, not only to the family itself but to the economy and well being of American citizens as well.

His tweet at 3:18am this morning:

Incarcerate?  Detain?  How bout educate and integrate?  Much cheaper!  and the border walls are costing 100 billion now.  Mexico can't pay and we pay and they keep coming any way! DUMB!  SAD!

20 minutes later at 3:39 am he continued the tweet: need workers for our economy.   No friends in Mexico equals BAD DEAL for US.  We need their oil or our gas prices will go up!  VERY BAD!

Many left-leaning high profile figures are slowly starting to loosen their anti-Trump stance and are starting to embrace Trump's border policy after seeing this evolving stance:

Bernie Sanders tweeted:

"It is with some skepticism and suspicion that I support this apparent step in the right direction to help the poorest among us and improve the lifestyle of the working class in the US."

The newest rock star on the left, 28 year-old Alejandra Ocasio Cortez, who recently ousted 16 term Joe Crowley in for the democratic Senate primary seat in her district in the Bronx NY tweeted:

"So glad that in the wealthiest country in the world, it appears President Trump wants to take a step toward creating a country where no one is too poor to live."

While left wingers have started to come around, Trump's base is furious:

"How are we supposed to stop people from invading our land?   We have no country if we don't have borders!  It's time for a revolution and, if Trump won't support us, we'll have to find another way to make sure the white man is treated fairly."  Said Robert Smitherson to a local news station who visited him while driving his lawnmower tractor in his front yard in the small town of Ackley, Arkansas.

Others have talked of rioting and locking up the "real" criminal Hillary Clinton.  "Why is she still free?  What are we going to do about her emails and and.. What about Obamacare?  This is America.  My doctor bills have tripled since that man changed coverage and now you want open borders so terrorists and MS-13 can hurt us and people come can take our jobs?  Maybe some of them are good people, but we're good people too.  We're losing our cultural and American values."  said Mr. Smitherson's neighbor, Mack Mckinley.

Helen Reagan, a retired restaurant owner, and faithful Trump supporter, however, is sticking by "her man."  She was nice enough to talk to us during her sunset bourbon she enjoys every evening sitting on the porch of her home in the Florida panhandle to explain why she still supports Donal Trump despite his apparent shift in policy on immigration.   "He's a smart businessman.  He knows how the economy works and he says things like they are.  He's not a polititian and that's a good thing.  He's still my man."

If this trend continues, we might see Trump re-elected but for completely different reasons than anyone would've imagined.  This man really appears to be a genius strategist.  Just when the US populous is starting to lean left, he decides to endorse and represent where America is going as being  more and more connected with people of other nations.   He even called France's president Emmanuel Macron to let him know he plans to re-join the Paris accord on climate change.

He seems to be especially recognizing our connection with Mexico whose populous has become part of the American fabric and vice-versa with 100s of thousands of people crossing the border legally a day both ways to see family, do business, and explore to make new friends.

 Latest tweet at 4:15 am this morning:
"We should make this connection easier on folks, not harder.  No talking equals BAD DEAL...
I'm talking to Marconi and the new president Obrador (or AMLO I learned the Mexicans say), great guy really taking charge,... meet me at the border for a friendly three-way hand-shake through the barrier at Friendship Park in San Diego"

Advisory Note:  This article is complete fiction and intends to convey a "literary truth" or a truthful message within a fictional piece.  None of the events actually occurred, the tweets by well-known public figures are invented, and the other people and their home towns quoted are not real.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

No sé por qué te beso

No sé por qué te beso
No sé por qué te beso por la tarde
No sé por qué te beso por la mañana
No sé por qué te beso por todas partes... de Tijuana
Desde la cabeza hasta la cinco y diez
No sé por qué te subo las colinas del Cerro Colorado para besarte encima
No sé por qué me deslizo por la Vía rápida a 2000
Al Rio
No sé por qué Alamar-nos lleva al Chaparral
Siento el aliento de la boca al mar
que, no sé por qué, nos jala por la línea aguantándonos en el precipicio
No sé por qué te empujo con un beso al final, nos caemos amortiguados al jardín binacional
Donde nos amamos entre las amapolas
I don’t know why I kiss you
I don’t know why I kiss you in the morning
I don’t know why I kiss you in the evening
I don’t know why I kiss you all over… Tijuana
From head to the Five and Ten area
I don’t know why I climb the hills of the Red Mountain to kiss you at the top
I don’t know why I slide down the Fast track at 2000
To the, I don’t know why, Uponloving-each other-River that takes us to the Chaparral point of entry
I don’t know why the river mouth’s breath that opens to the sea
pulls us along the line barely holding to the ledge
I don’t know why I push you over with a kiss and we fall softly into the binacional garden
Where we love among the poppies.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Don't "fight" the Trump admin

After reading Fire and Fury and learning in depth what goes on with the Trump adimin I realize they work off conflict.  So if liberals "fight" back it only makes the admin get stronger cause their base is built on and feeds on criticism of liberals, fighting with them.  With this admin, more than any other, I think the best strategy is to contiue to move forward despite any obstacles they put up, obstacles are always there anyway.  Keep your eye on the ball and let them throw temper tantrums if they want.  If their tantrums hurt people protect them as best we can.
